"Our favorite type of shoes": sneakers. From Hogan to Golden Goose and Axel Arigato to Autry. Sneakers should certainly not be missing from your shoe wardrobe. They are super comfortable and very trendy. Easy to combine. Imagine yourself in the online sneaker world of Mayke and find your new love(s).
There was a time when sneakers were anything but trendy in the fashion world. Today we can no longer imagine this. Now, sneakers are the heroes of shoes. Every designer brings a new trendy sneaker to the market every season. If you think you've seen them all, a totally innovative pair will follow. Sneakers come in many varieties, which makes it fun to combine and style these shoes with different outfits. What is not unimportant is that sneakers are not only very trendy but also very comfortable. From high-tops, runners and platform sneakers, you've got them all these days.